The Spirit of Backwardness is the force of retardation, that makes the past of a person to be better than the present. The forces of backwardness creates stagnancy, wasted efforts and delay in the accomplishment of life assignment.
If you discover you are not where you should be in life and that you have been trying to work on things and they are not working. Please connect with this prayer.
Direction: Please pray this prayer as much as you have the leading to pray it and until you discover inner peace of victory through it.
Pray with the Following Scriptures
Psalm 102, 94 and 80.
1. Every force drawing my destiny backward , scatter in Jesus name
2. Every power of darkness manipulating my progress be arrested by fire in
Jesus name.
3. Every visible and invisible chain of darkness holding my life down be
broken in Jesus name.
4. I paralyze every activity of darkness against my life through my dreams
in Jesus name
5. O Lord arise, set me free by fire from every negative attachment from
my foundation in Jesus name
6. Every strange covenant from my foundation, speaking against me ,
be broken in Jesus name
7. Anything I might have consciously or unconsciously done in my childhood
days, speaking against my destiny in this season, O Lord let mercy prevail
over them in Jesus name.
8. Father, separate me by your mighty power from every past confessions
that might be rising against me now in Jesus name.
9. Every little- little foxes disturbing my vine from bringing forth
productively, be uprooted in Jesus name.
10. Every satanic authority injecting backwardness into my life and family,
be arrested and condemned in Jesus name.
11. O Lord, make it highly impossible for any force of life to make me stagnant
and backward in Jesus name.
12. Father reposition surprisingly from my current position to the next level
unbelievably this year in Jesus name.
God Bless you . I encourage you to Download a copy of the Prophetic Prayer Ministration for a blessed day. It is a full audio ministration on prayers that should be played on daily basis.